The AllSpark's volatility meant that it required a housing to safely harness its powers, and so legend says that seven billion years ago, a mysterious hammer of alien origin that would become the symbol of Autobot leadership known as the Magnus Hammer and Matrix of Leadership was used to forge a container for the crystal sphere, which then held it through until the present day.

It is not known with absolute certainty if it predates Cybertron in this reality the earliest record of its existence is its appearance in many primitive etchings from Cybertronian pre-history, dating to around eight billion years ago. The AllSpark of this universe is a sphere of blueish crystal. The AllSpark's power has long been coveted by the Decepticons, ultimately requiring the Autobots to launch it into the depths of space, putting it beyond the reach of any Cybertronian. Any fragments that would remain in the event of the AllSpark's physical destruction would still possess all of the incredible power that the original object did. In truth, the physical AllSpark is but a shell to contain the incredible life-giving energies within should that shell be destroyed, the energies will remain, as potent as ever, merely waiting for a new vessel to inhabit.

Its origins are unknown, lost to the distant past, it also created the Cybertronian gods Primus and Unicron, but it often gives the impression that it possesses a consciousness of some kind and is either working towards a cosmic plan of its own divining, or is carrying out the will of a higher power. It is one of the fabled sacred implements of Cybertron itself, the objects capable of creating new Transformer life.

The AllSpark (オールスパーク, Ōrusupāku) and its powers and history remains common and main reason for the Great War between Autobots and Decepticons.